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All elements of this site can be protected by copyright, database rights, trade marks and intellectual property rights. The site and its content remain the exclusive property of Futuristik.
Customizing a bag
Customization of the bags in Futuristik is very easy task. Browse our website, and add items you wish to customize with your own branding. And send enquiry to us we will contact to you regarding your enquiry.
Dispatch & Deliver
The delivery time for your order is depends on the ordered quantity and the standard time for the delivery is around 30-45 days from the date of the order received. And we can deliver the shipment if you have a time targets…..
And we will provide you all the mode of transport as per your requirement like ocean, land and air.
Tax & Charges
All orders From India are comes under the line of GST so all products have extra GST applicable as per the government of India